Monday Jams: I Can’t Believe It! It’s So Amazing!

For your weekly confidence-boosting tune, here’s and Nicki Minaj singing about how awesome they are for 4.5 minutes.  Their rhymes like “Haters, you can kill yourselves” and “You a Chihuahua, I’m a Rottweiler” (or “Rot-wallah” [sic]) would be perfect additions to your list of daily affirmations.

I Can’t Believe I Still Have… GUTS Edition!

I imagine that 90’s memorabilia-philes should be rejoicing worldwide now that Buzzfeed has alerted us to a new and highly coveted item that’s been listed on eBay.

Turns out, for a mere and highly justifiable $1,499, you could take home your very own piece of the Aggro Crag, with absolutely no physical activity involved.  Added bonus: Free shipping.  And it lights up!!

The best question is: what idiot would be willing to let go of such a highly coveted prize??  Even if you needed the money, what would Mike O’Malley say?!

Anyway, check out the listing bellow…  And don’t get too excited, it does not come with the GUTS medal as pictured.

Monday Jams: Come Get Your Kool On

We’re back!  Roots, take us out!

Wu-Tang Interns Ain’t Nuthin ta F**k With

NME reports an amazing internship opportunity open via twitter.  Turns out Ghostface Killah needs an intern.

Could be fun… we already know The RZA is the Leslie Nope of the rap genre, which could make Ghostface Ron Swanson (fact check.)

Make the applications rain!

Monday Jams: The Much Welcome Return of Lupe Fiasco

Breathe it in, lads!  First day of spring is snowy and miserable.  It’s pouring out there and the blue jays and robins outside my bedroom window are chirping like it’s no thing.  A metaphor?  Perhaps, but I’m not an optimistic person!

In the mean time, enjoy this new inspirational jam by Lupe Fiasco:

(Yes, that is a Modest Mouse sample.)

Clarissa Explains Interning in NYC in the 90s, or, the Sitcom I Wish I Had Written/Starred In

Zomg, you guys.  While reading around on Flavorwire, I just happened to stumble upon one of the most refreshing sitcoms I have ever seen in my life.  It’s about a girl after my own heart: a snarky, bright-eyed young one from a small town going to college in New York City with the opportunity to intern at one of the city’s leading newspapers.  She’s girlish and un-jaded enough to want to change the world through her journalism, but she’s grown up enough to understand that the New York City subways are filled with creepers.  And oh, she used to dress like this:

And this:

And this:

That’s right, the dream of the 90s is alive again! Someone unearthed a pilot for a Clarissa Explains It All spinoff called Clarissa Now.  Sometime in between letting her best friend climb in through her window all the time and becoming a teenage witch, our hero ditched her day-glo prints for stylish New York City black and tried to make it as a journalist.  It is as excellent as it sounds.  Watch here:

Monday Jams: All You Want Is Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be

I really fought the urge to put a certain Boomtown Rats song here about not liking Mondays today, and this is the compromise.  Sorry in advance.

Morrissey, as a citizen of the world, you are charged with taking our troubles away!

Sorry, don’t know how that link got in there.  (YesIdo.)

Classically miserable, but it makes you think, doesn’t it?

Monday Jams: Drinking Your Troubles Away

The Punch Brothers teach us how to dilute our problems with whiskey.  But beware!  Rye love isn’t good love.

Pour one out for the fallen Nickel Creek, and enjoy this Monday Jam:


Boomerangs in Pop Culture: Your Kryptonite is a Confined Space

Googling boomerangs has never yielded more spectacular results. Check out this actual thing!:

Meet Captain Boomerang!  The ginger son of an American soldier and an Australian woman that was forever doomed to dress like a retro Australian stewardess and hurl bad ass, homemade boomerangs at DC superheroes.  His weakness?  Confined spaces where he didn’t have enough room to throw a boomerang (citation: see this interview recently conducted between Conan O’Brien and a DC animator.  Super action starts around 3:18.)

A Brief PSA About MTV’s Skins

Deep in the underbelly of The Boomerang Blog there is an unpublished draft of a post entitled, “In the Meantime… I Get Wrapped Up in Shows That Break My Heart.”  This draft was last saved in March of 2010, as I literally shook and cried my way through my digestion of the Skins season 4 finale.  Was I being melodramatic, you ask?  I’m counting on Skins watchers to back me up on this one, but the answer is probably not.

Let me explain.  There is this show called Skins.  It’s about to debut on MTV, but it’s been on British TV for about four years now.  The original show used to star that kid you loved from About a Boy and that other one from Slumdog Millionaire that became famous after. And I am a reluctant fan.

How Could You, Nick Hoult???

Skins is a show that is, on the one hand, extremely alluring.  It features amazing and well-written characters played by attractive, age-appropriate actors with great fashion sense.  You will see yourself in more than one of these characters, and you will like it.  On the other hand, this show is masochism personified.  It will take your most favorite character and it will put him in painful, dangerous, and life-threatening situations.  And you will not be able to stop watching.  It will shoot him full of pills and self-doubt, and ruin his family and his love life… at least if he’s lucky.  The less fortunate characters will actually ***SPOILER ALERT BUT SERIOUSLY DON’T START WATCHING SKINS*** get slashed up by deceptive, borderline-pedophile megalomaniacs, get hit by buses, get brain tumors, slit their wrists… I mean are you getting what I’m saying here, because I feel like you must know where this is going by now.  Towards the beginning of Skins season 1, my sister and her friend actually set up a small facebook group (christ, remember when that wasn’t a dated term?) so that we could have support meetings after episodes appeared on YouTube; a sort of a Skins fans anonymous, if you will.  It is the type of show that necessitates such therapy.

A new British season is supposedly debuting soon.  And will I be watching it?  Most likely.  And am I ashamed?  Yes.  But as long as the show continues to be written so excellently, it will remain addictive and I won’t be able to stop myself.  I am secure with this decision.

But now I see this bullshit on my television, and you have probably seen it on yours:

American.  Fucking.  Skins.  On MTV.  Eww.

I had read last year that this was going to happen. But now it’s here, and the freaking New York Times is saying how this is a show for the millennial demographic. And since those are my people, shit is getting real. The threat is imminent.  So I’d just like to take this opportunity to say: try not to watch Skins.  Even though you’ll want to.  And if you have to watch Skins, you probably shouldn’t watch American Skins.

Hugs Not Drugs

Will I, personally, be watching American Skins?  I will be tempted to.  But no, I
don’t think so. Why not?  Well, there’s the fact that pretty much everything essential to British Skins can’t legally be shown on MTV.  This is a series that makes Gossip Girl seem tame.  (Is that a topical comparison?  I think so but I don’t watch Gossip Girl.)  And then there’s the fact that this show is a total rip off of the original Skins (see this brilliant person’s trailer mashup for verification!)  Yes, I watch such American rips as The Office, and I love them, so saying such a thing might make me a hypocrite, but I really can’t let this one fly.  It’s going to be absurd.

So I’ve probably wasted too much time on this, and I also could be wrong.  But just err on the side of caution.  And to my fellow fans: stay strong.  I’m here for you.